Discovering Underrepresented Composers
“Becoming Weavers: Piano Students and their Commissioned Arrangements of music by Under-Represented Women Composers,” Piano Magazine, Winter 2020-2021.
Changing the World One Key at a Time: PLPS and the world around us
“When our Students Inspire Others: The Socially Conscious Piano Studio”, Piano Magazine, Winter 2019-2020.
“The Joy of El Sistema Teaching through Community”, NAFME, November 2016.
Interdisciplinary Teaching
“Teaching Music through Art”, Keyboard Companion, Winter 2007.
Forthcoming in 2024
Course Contribution to "Best Pedagogy Practices in the Lens of DEI” by Leah Claiborne for Piano Inspires and the Francis Clark Center.
American Teacher Magazine
"Beyond Drum Beats and Open Fifths: Indigenous Compositions of the Americas for the Piano Studio", American Teacher Magazine, October 2023.
Using Silent Movies in the Piano Studio
Chapter: “Long, Lost and Forgotten: Silent Movie Music for the Piano Studio” in the forthcoming book Piano Music Obscured by the Mists of Time, Rediscovering Long-lost Gems by Anthony Olson, PhD, Northwest Missouri State University, forthcoming.
“Teaching Students to Accompany Silent Film in the Classroom”, NAFME, January 2016.
“Using Silent Movie Music to Inspire Expressivity”, Clavier Companion, November 2012.
“Using Mobile Devices in Teaching”, Clavier Companion, March 2011.
Beta Tester for Flash Class Note Reading App by Henry Flurry, 2010; Smart Vibrating Metronome by Soundbrenner, 2017 and SuperScore Music Score Reading App for Time Warp Technologies, 2020.