March 2024
“Publish or Perish: Sourcing Historic Women Composers through the Centuries." North Shore Piano Teachers Guild, Swampscott, MA
August 2023
Appearance on the Morning Show with Mary Jacobsen, WJOP Newburyport. “Native American Composers within a Project Based Studio
July 2023
Publish or Perish: How Women Composers Defied Obscurity when Publishers were Scarce.” Chicago, Illinois for the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy (NCKP)
March 2023
“Words Matter: Ching a Ring Chaw and Minstrelsy in Aaron Copland’s “Old American Songs” arranged for Solo and choral Performance.” Forthcoming, Reno, Nevada for MTNA.
July 2021
“Creating Recitals for a More Diverse Tomorrow!” Panel discussion with Sue Ruby, Sally Ritchie, and Lynn Worcester Jones, NCKP, July 2021.
July 2021
“Introducing the Music of Historic Women Composers on SuperScore”, with George Litterest, NCKP, July 2021.
March 2021
“Overcoming the Sticky Floor: Re-writing the Myths of Women Composers to Reveal the Scope and Genius of their Magic” with Sue Ruby, NCTM, Sally Ritchie and Lynn Worcester Jones, PhD., MTNA, March 2021.
February 2021
“Overcoming the Sticky Floor: Re-writing the Myths of Women Composers to Reveal the Scope and Genius of their Magic” A Round Table Discussion with Sue Ruby, NCTM, Sally Ritchie and Lynn Worcester Jones, PhD., Music Ed Connect, February 2021.
February 2021
“Silent Movie Music, Across Gender and Race,” Music Ed Connect, February 2021.
October 2020
“Emoji, Marco-Polo and Pet Sharing Recitals, Oh My! Teaching Music Online can be productive and fun.”, Association for Adult Musicians with Hearing Loss, October 2020.
October 2020
“When Our Students Inspire Others”, Pittsburgh National Association of Piano Teachers, October 2020.
November 2020
“Art, Politics and Culture at the Time of Fauré’s Requiem,” Newburyport Choral Society, November, 2020.
March 2020
Video interview and presentation: “In Diversity There is Beauty and and in Beauty There is Strength—Achieving Inclusion and Diversity to Enhance Your Studio Growth”, by Diane Dumlavwalla and Melody Ng, MTNA, March 2020.
February 2020
Video presentation: “Teaching Expressive Communication Using Silent Movie Projects in the Music Studio,” MusicEdConnect, February 2020.
April, May, June 2020
Live video presentation: “Myths, Magic and Mysteries of Women Composers” with Sue Ruby, NCTM, Sally Ritchie and Lynn Worcester Jones, PhD, MusicEdConnect, April, May and June 2020.
“When Our Students Inspire Others: The Socially Conscious Piano Studio” NCKP 2019.
Music Reading Classes for the Choral Singer; Newburyport Choral Society, 2015-2020.
“The Community Involved Piano Studio”, MTNA (local chapters, MA, NH, PA). 2018-2022
“El Sistema’s Inspired Joy of Community in the Piano Studio”, NCKP 2017.
October 2015
“Using Silent Movie Music to Inspire Expressivity”, NCKP 2013 and NAFME National In-Service Conference, October 2015.
“Students’ Misreading of Music Scores”, MTNA (local chapters, MA, NH). 2011-2013