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Toy Piano Workshop with Classical Pianist Paula Rodney Bobb!

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Toy Pianos have their own adult followers, performers and devotees. The tiny, twinkling sound of a toy piano is charming and as long as classical pieces can fit between 2 or 3 octaves, professional pianists will concertize using them. We will be using both a toy piano and the regular grand piano for our Holiday concert in December at St. Paul’s Church. Come to this Zoom session to learn about the history of toy pianos, hear Paula play her toy piano at her home in Rochester, NY and on Youtube where she plays with a story telling professional tap dancer in soft shoe. We will then brainstorm together to make a list of holiday pieces that would be appropriate to play on our toy piano for our recital.

October 28

Among the Tombstones: A Halloween Recital

November 22

Thanksgiving Holiday